Saturday, 25 October 2008

Some pictures as promised

After a bit of household maintenance this morning I managed to get out to the machine shop to do some work on my KT 120fst engine. I've been looking at the Cylinder Block and thinking that it probably won't make as the design is at the moment due to the large size of the big ends. So I'm thinking about making the Crank Shaft in three pieces to enable attachment of one piece Conrods. Anyway, enough of that, today I set up the mill with an angle plate and a fixture to cut the fins in the Cylinder Heads. Take a look at the photos, they can explain far more than I.
Angle plate & fixture mounted on the machine bed

Close up of Starboard Cylinder Head prior to finning

Cylinder & Crank Case with Sleeves fitted

Cylinder & Crank Case with Port Head & two Pistons

1.5mm slitting saw used to create the cooling fins

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