Thursday, 9 October 2008

Last of the Summer Flying - Revisited

I lied about the previous entry. Who would have thought the weather would have been some of the finest of the season at this time of the year. Wall to wall sunshine this evening. Last week I was on holiday and it rained every day, sometimes horizontally. This week there's hardly been any rain at all. Just my luck! Never mind, had a few flights with the Sunbeam trainers and I'm not happy with the slots and flaps on the red and white wing, so I'm going to cover them over. Thought I'd try inverted flight, and it was hopeless. Full down elevator required and still the aircraft decended. Those slots have got to go.
Two flights with the Pico Jet and as always good entertainment. Motor is making some strange resonating noises at certain revs. Don't know what this is all about, may need investigating.
19:00hrs., and its too dark to fly. Clocks change soon, Winter's on its way!

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