Probably one of the best flying Sundays this year. The weather has been amazing for Autumn, today starting off foggy but by 11:00hrs the sun burned through and resulted in a hot day. Took both trainers, the Pico Jet and the Yak 54 to Westonzoyland. A lot of pilots turned out to fly although I suspect the early fog put some off.

I meant to have covered the slots in the red and white wing this week, but I've been too busy with other things. Thinking on (careful), perhaps I should try covering just the white section. Maybe all the sections are too much - hmmm. Worth a try.
The Yak was a bit unnerving today, my fault, there were a lot of other aircraft flying at the time and I was trying to fly Knife Edge. Got myself in a disoriented state, and near panicked when I wasn't certain which way up the aircraft was after I leveled the wings. Upright - phew! that was close. Time to land, too many other aircraft flying lead me to distraction. Or should that be destruction?.
The Pico Jet performed well, but is a bit lively on the controls and the motor is continuing to resonate at certain revs. Still not sure whats causing it. I'll check the propeller balance and also see if the motor does it without a propeller. With regard to the "lively" bit I think I need a little weight removed from the tail end of the aircraft. I always reckon to do it this way rather than take the easy option and add weight to the nose. I can't remember the last time I added weight to the nose of an aircraft. The need for this change is as a result of the use of Li-po batteries replacing the much heavier Ni-Mh.
The Super Tigre engine in the other Sunbeam is still playing up, I've been experimenting with the carburettor, but with little success. The spray bar position is adjustable, and its important (allegedly) to get it right, and I've found it does make a difference when its adjusted, but it doesn't seem to stop the revs from surging at the top end. I've found to stop it, I need to richen it up a lot but on closing the throttle and opening up again the engine runs extremely rich and needs to be leaned. There is nearly a happy medium I can use but it ain't quite right yet.

Its not likely there will be any mid week flying from now on untill the clocks change again next Spring, although I might be able to get the odd Monday in as shift work and weather allows.