Sunday, 3 January 2010


Two different sizes for Port and Starboard, this is to compensate for the 9mm stagger on the cylinder alignment and to ensure that the Port and Starboard valves operate with equal geometry. Two 3mm dia. holes have been drilled in each Rocker, the centre is for the fulcrum and the other is for lightening. To manufacture the Rockers, I've made a fixture to machine the lightening necking and to drill and tap the M2.0 threaded hole for the Tappet adjustment screw. All this will become apparent when you see the finished items in a future blog. In the mean time, here's some pix of what I've done today:-

Blanks cut from the material they're sat on. (5mm Gauge plate)

The fixture for cutting the necking.

Ready to start machining...

I learned today the results of my AGM proposal to pit on the North side of the runway when the wind is from the South. A resounding failure in the voting, 5 for, 19 against. The reasons given were due to a motor cycle training school setting up on the Southern perimeter and the main road being nearby. In fact, setting up on the South side means you are a runways' width closer to both. Oh! well, I guess I'll not be going flying when the wind is from the South in future as I don't feel safe in the pits when others are taking off towards the South side. I wonder if someone decides to set up a business near the North side of the runway or on the Hammer head, if we'll get kicked off the site due to health and safety reasons. It could so easily happen.

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