Sunday, 30 November 2008

No flying again today...

...but you wait, tomorrow will be glorious when I'm back at work - 'hit happens, aaargh!

So, into the machine shop for some more exciting swarf making. This engine I'm building is my own design, and I'm drawing it up on AutoCad before making the parts. Occasionally I have to go back to the drawing board to make alterations to the drawings because in practice, sometimes things don't quite turn out as you'd expect. Its called research and development or R & D. The engine I've named, the Ketro KT120fst. is 1.2, 20cc swept volume and about 22cc full capacity. Its a horizontally opposed twin cylinder four stroke engine also known as a "Boxer".
Centre drilling position for the crank pin.

Having drilled the hole its now ready for reamering.

Finished, and its a good fit.

All the bearings arrived this week, so now I'll be able to finish the diameters on the crankshaft parts, as I will use each bearing as a gauge to test the fit.

All the parts together, nearly finished. Just the counter balance to mill and the holes for the clamping screws.

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