Saturday, 21 March 2009

I've had my fix for the week.

For a Saturday there was a whole load of pilots here today. The weather certainly brought everyone out. There was a chilly wind from the North West at around 1 mph in the early morning, but it gradually increased in speed toward the late afternoon to around 10 mph.

Geoff enjoying a flight with his Mustang

I've made a temporary modification to cover the holes in the wing of the Sunbeam. It flies a lot better now, but I'll have to make a more permanant effort and use Solarfilm instead of Sellotape.

Wing slots temporarily covered.

Ron brought along this nice little delta. All balsa construction with tissue and dope finish - no paint!

Nice delta.

Now I can go to work tomorrow refreshed as having been flying today. Trouble is, two hours and its as if I've not had a week end at all.

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